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TitleAdvertising and sacred spaces in Shanghai (1905-1943)
Digitized fileNo
Year Start1905
Year End1943

This map overlays the distribution of street advertisements in foreign settlements (data drawn from Shanghai Municipal Archives) and the distribution of "sacred" spaces in Shanghai over the period 1905-1943 (chruches, temples and "historic" places). Although the protection of sacred places was a matter of intuition and subjective appreciation rather than strict regulations, we observe that advertising spaces usually did not overlap with “sacred” areas. This suggests that moral imperatives and public opinion may be stronger than official regulations and commercial incentives. Advertising experts themselves insisted on the fact that they were not “barbarians”. The American agent Carl Crow went even further by claiming his eagerness to “civilize” advertising practices. As a model professional, he would personally refrain from installing his billboards in “historic” landmarks and sacred places, such as temples, churches, ancient walls and palaces. This moral principle was above all a rhetorical device to establish the respectability of the advertising profession. 

Keywordsadvertising ; sacred ; church ; religious ; historical ; heritage ; protection ; Shanghai

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