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ID Name Title Title [cn] Year 
8Walking to my office in ShanghaiJulean Herbert Arnold Papers (1905-1946)1936
318Japanese Cooperation in American Enterprise in ChinaJapanese Cooperation in American Enterprise in China1917
333Japanese loans to Chinese provinces on wine and tobacco businessJapanese Loan to China on Wine and Tobacco Monopoly1918
335Japanese loans on Manchurian forestsJapanese Loans on Manchurian Forests1918
591Japan as a valuable customer for the United StatesJapan is a "Good" Cash Customer. Can we risk the "good will" we enjoy in Japan? 1938
626Japanese efforts to develop China's iron resourcesJapanese Efforts to develop China's Iron Resources1939
634Economic situation in the Japanese-occupied areas in ChinaJapan's Economic Exploitation of China1939
665Japanese agricultural and industrial developments in wartime TaiwanJapanese Developments in Hainan Islands1939
710American Chamber of Commerce in HongkongJurisdiction of Commercial Attache. Suggestion for Organization of American Chamber of Commerce, Hongkong. American Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong. Organization of American Merchants' Association at Hongkong1924
737Journal of the Shanghai Chamber of CommerceJournal of Shanghai Chamber of Commerce1925
738Japanese Chambers of Commerce in ManchuriaJapanese Chambers of Commerce and Current Economic Problems in Manchuria1927
896Advertising on Ricshas Pullers' Coats. Applications. J.B. DaviesJ.B. Davies' application to advertise on rickshaw pullers' coats (approved)1928
1004Jimmy Advertising Agency, Panneaux-réclames, Avenue Pétain/R. Prosper ParisJimmy Advertising Agency; Hoardings, Pétain/P. Paris1936
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