春節已過,今日起開始内定售價! 門劵壹元童劵五角
桃花林裏小朋友歡天喜地。 春到人間,遊客滿面春風!
騎馬釣魚 打鳥·馬車·套鴨 梅林翠堤荷池雪嶺 四季鮮花齊開天下名勝碰頭
餐廳背山面水: :環境精雅絕倫
大菜室歐美大菜咖啡西點 翡翠廳紅綠香茗包餃麫點 珊瑚廳粤揚名菜應時砂鍋
◆荷池夜景◆ 亱景幽美 請結伴夜遊,妙不可言!日裏固然好!夜裏還要好!!
Photos illustrating the various activities and services offered by the establishment
Leisure, pleasure, beauty, magic, scenery, landscape, taste,
Hyperbolic (exclamative tone): open at night, beautiful night scenery
Rational: description of the various services/activities offered by the institution (fine Western cuisine, pastry, coffee), opening hours, prices.
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