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103Business sectors in Shanghai advertising: A typology (and color coding)

104Scales of fees charged on advertising structures in the Shanghai International Settlement (1914-1943)
105Taxation on signboards in Shanghai French Concession (1921)
106List of visual materials collected from various sources during the research process
107Filling stations in Shanghai in 1941
108Dimensions of the newspaper Shenbao (1872-1949)
109Dimensions of the newspaper North China Daily News (1865-1951)
110Advertising agencies in Shanghai (1905-1956)
111List of advertisers in the newspapers Shenbao and North China Daily News in Shanghai (1914-1949)
112List of advertisers in the streets of Shanghai (1905-1949)
113An Analytical Study of Advertisements in Chinese Newspapers (1923)
118List of advertising handbooks published in China and the United States in the first half of the twentieth century

119Typology of diseases in 1914-1924
120List of artifacts in the streets of Shanghai (1905-1949)
121Types of areas and traffic conditions in the United States in the 1930s (after Hoyle, 1936)
122Types de pages (paysages) dans le Shenbao entre 1914-1949
123Table used for mapping "sensitive" urban spaces in Shanghai foreign settlements
124Typology of outdoor advertising medias and structures in Shanghai (1905-1943)
125Advertising rates in the newspaper Shenbao (1914-1934)
127Correspondance table between measured/actual dimensions of advertising areas in the newspaper Shenbao (1914-1949)
129List of Chinese newspapers together with their display advertising rates in 1921 (after Sanger, 1921)
130Periodizing scales of fees charged on advertising in the French Concession (1921-1943)

131Politiques fiscales appliquées dans les concessions étrangères et dans la presse à Shanghai (1914-1949) : critères exclusifs/partagés
132Newmilks, Ltd: Reports by S.M.C. P.H.D. Dairies Inspectors, 1936-1938
133Newmilks, Ltd: Prices (1936)
134Newmilks (1936) Ltd., Outstanding G.M.R. - Amount in arrears for the period July 1 to December 31, 1938
135Newmilks, Ltd: Pamphlets (1935-1938)
136P.H.D. Publicity - Propositions from Advertising Agents (1930-1937)
137International Advertising Company, List of P.H.D. and Traffic slogans on rickshaws (1930)
138Lists of advertising hoardings or stations throughout the International Settlement, with their measurements (1914)
139List of advertisements throughout the International Settlement in May 1943
140List of neon light signs throughout the International Settlement (1930-1942)
141List of neon light signs throughout the French Concession (1929-1941)
142Standard dimensions of advertising boards and structures in Shanghai (1914-1943)
143Advertising population in the Chinese newspaper Shenbao (1914-1949)
144Advertising population and areas in the streets of Shanghai foreign settlements (1905-1943)
145Advertising population and areas in the British newspaper North China Daily News (1914-1949)
146Advertising zones and frontiers in the British newspaper North China Daily News (1914-1949)
147Advertising actors (products, firms, brands) in the British newspaper North China Daily News (1914-1949)
148Advertising landscapes (page, copy, style, appeal) in the British newspaper North China Daily News (1914-1949)
149Circulations of medicines and cigarettes brands and firms between the Shenbao and North China Daily News (1914-1949)
150Advertisements series in the Shenbao and North China Daily News (1914-1949)
151Rythmanalysis of street advertising in Shanghai: the case of Oriental Advertising Agency's boards in the International Settlement (1914)
152Profits and loss accounts of the British advertising agency Millington, Ltd (1927-1941)
153Rythmanalysis of street advertising in Shanghai: the case of Claude Neon Lights’ signs in the French Concession (1931-1941)
154Polyrhythmic patterns of correlations between general history and press advertising in the newspapers Shenbao and North China Daily News (1904-1951)
155A cross-rhythmanalytic essay of the Chinese and British newspapers Shenbao and North China Daily news: three ways of measuring variations between weekdays, week-end and special editions (1914-1949)
156Lifetimes and circulations of medical advertisers and brands in the Shanghai press (1914-1949)
157Lifetimes and circulations of tobacco advertisers and brands in the press and streets of Shanghai (1905-1949)
158Circulations of advertisers (all sectors included) in the press and streets of Shanghai (1905-1949)
159List of China Commercial Advertising Agency (C.C.A.A.)'s clients and associated agencies (1936)
160List of Carl Crow's clients and associated companies (1930)
161List of Millington's clients and associated companies (1929)
162List of Claude Neon Light's clients (1929-1941)
163List of Oriental Advertising Agency's clients and associated companies (1914-1929)
164List of China Press's clients and associated companies (1934)
165List of Advertising Club of China's places of meeting (1919-1931)
166A preliminary time framework: Five timeslices to trace a spatial history of advertising in modern Shanghai (1905-1949)
167Foreign newspapers and periodicals used for documenting the advertising profession in Shanghai (1918-1941)
168List of files consulted at the Shanghai Municipal Archives
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