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Full referenceChina. The Maritime Customs, List of Chinese Maritime Customs Publications
Author(s)China. The Maritime Customs
TitleList of Chinese Maritime Customs Publications
Year of publication1940
Place of publicationShanghai 上海
PublisherStatistical Department, Inspectorate General of Customs
Number of Pages19
Keywordscustom; catalogue; publication; statistics; trade report;

From China, The Maritime Customs. Documents Illustrative of the Origin, Development and Activities of the Chinese Customs Service, Volume VII: (Shanghai: Statistical Dept. Inspectorate General of Customs, 1940). IV. Service Series: No. 69)

There were six ealier versions of this bibiiography published separately as Catalogue of Customs Publications. III. Service Series: No.16. First issued 1897, Sixth issue, 1936

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