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Full referenceChinese Maritime Customs, Customs interport tariff of the Republic of China (1931): showing rates effective from 1st February 1934, after conversion to metric system (1933)
Author(s)Chinese Maritime Customs
TitleCustoms interport tariff of the Republic of China (1931): showing rates effective from 1st February 1934, after conversion to metric system
Year of publication1933
Place of publicationShanghai 上海
PublisherStatistical Department of the Inspectorate General of Customs
Number of Pages40
Keywordscustom; trade; interport; tariff; classification; bilingual

Complete original title: "Customs interport tariff of the Republic of China (1931) : showing rates effective from 1st February 1934, after conversion to metric system" [Zhonghua minguo hai guan zhuan kou shui shui ze: zi minguo er shi liu nian liu yue yi ri qi shi xing : ben shui ze shu liang dan wei ji shui ze zi minguo er shi san nian er yue yi ri qi gai an xin biao zhun du liang heng zhi ji suan]

Indicates the name of articles (in English and Chinese), their tariff unit (value) and duty (per centage)



See p.

1 - In the present edition of the Chinese Tariff of 1858 for the trade under the cognizance of the Inspectorate General of Customs, the Import and Export divisions of the original Tariff, and the Lists of Duty-free, of Exceptional and of Contraband Goods, based on Rules 2, 3, and 5 of the original "Rules appended to the Tariff", hqve been amalgamated and arranged alphabetically ; but the articles, originally Duty free, which were made liable to Duty on importation under the International Protocol of 1901 have been omitted. 

2 - The decisions of the Chinese Government qffecting the originql Tariff which have come into operation since it was first published have been entered in their proper order. 

3 - Of the decisions given since the issue of the original Tariff, the present voume comprises only those which affect Customs practice at all the Treaty Ports, local rulings not having been included. 

4 - This Tariff is now applied to the interport trade at all ports. 

5 - By order of the Government a surtax amounting to an additional half Duty is leviable in all cases where Interport Duty is charged. 


(a) Generally speaking articles which have been manufactured, assembled, etc. in China from duty-paid foreign materials, and goods which have been blended, diluted, or the original condition of which has been otherwise altered since importation, assume the status of native products and are charged Duty on export. 

(b) Chinese factory products moved within China shall receive the same Duty treatment as is now accorded to ordinary native goods, that is, Chinese factory products when sent anywhere in China shall be liable as privileged goods to single Duty, but only if non-privileged goods in similar circumstances would be liable to Interport duty. Goods liable to consolidated tax remain unaffected by the above ruling. 

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