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Full referenceKahler, William R., M.J.I., M.S.A., Rambles Round Shanghai (1905)
Author(s)Kahler, William R., M.J.I., M.S.A.
TitleRambles Round Shanghai
Place of publicationShanghai
PublisherThe Shanghai Mercury, Ld
Number of Pages206
KeywordsShanghai; city; journal; editor; advertising; obituary; market; report; notice; navigation; price; subscription; photograph; illustration;

Reprinted from "The Union," 1905.

"'The Union' is published at Shanghai every Wednesday at $5 a year, Postage extra - Outports 50 cents, Postal Union Countries, $1. It contains among other things, editorials on temperance, local and social questions: mail notices; advertisements; a market report; notices of births, marriages and deaths; a gazette; a tide table; exchange and share lists; and some four pages of local, outport and general news."

Kahler, William R., M.J.I., M.S.A.: Editor of "The Union" and author of "Five Hundred Miles in a House Boat," "My Holidays in China," 'The Hangchow Bore", etc.

Includes 46 photographs

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