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Full referenceNeedham, Joseph, Science and Civilisation in China (1974)
Author(s)Needham, Joseph
TitleScience and Civilisation in China
Place of publicationCambridge
PublisherCambridge University Press
Number of Pages1348
Keywordsscience; technology; China; civilization; history;

The fifth volume of Dr Needham's immense undertaking, like the fourth, is subdivided into parts for ease of assimilation and presentation, each part bound and published separately. The volume as a whole covers the subjects of alchemy, early chemistry, and chemical technology (which includes military invention, especially gunpowder and rockets; paper and printing; textiles; mining and metallurgy; the salt industry; and ceramics).






Science and Civilisation in China (1954–[2015]) is a series of books initiated and edited by British biochemisthistorian and sinologist Joseph Needham, Ph.D (1900–1995). They deal with the history of science and technology in China. To date there have been seven volumes in twenty-seven books. In 1954, Needham—along with an international team of collaborators—initiated the project to study the science, technology, and civilisation of ancient China. This project produced a series of volumes published by Cambridge University Press. The project is still continuing under the guidance of the Publications Board of the Needham Research Institute (NRI), chaired by Christopher Cullen.

Source: Wikipedia 

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