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Full referenceBureau to Probe Trade Relations. Newly Organized Body to Make Study of Commerce (1931)
TypeJournal article
TitleBureau to Probe Trade Relations. Newly Organized Body to Make Study of Commerce
JournalChina Press
Start page2
Keywordstrade; bureau; private; organization; Japanese; investigation; inspection; data; locality; price; psychology; consumer; department; elite; businessmen; headquarter; Shanghai;

Bureau to Probe Trade Relations. Newly Organized Body to Make study of Commerce

To facilitate a clear understanding of present Sino-Japanese trading relations, and especially the difference between Chinese and Japanese manufactures, an investigation and inspection bureau is soon to be established under the auspices of a group of incluential business men and manufacturers in Shanghai. 

This bureau which is a private organization will be divided into four departments; namely general afffairs, investigation, research and enquiry. The authorities of this office will be lodged with a committee composed of several influential members whose headquqrters will be in Yuen Ming Yuen Road. 

Special emphasis will be placed on the securing of data concerning the chief difference beteen Chinese and Japanese manufactures, localities of productionm trading conditionsm comparison of prices of the various products, etc. 

Attention of this new office will be directed to finding out of the good points of Japanese goods the psychology of the consumers, the bad points of native products and ways of improvement etc. The chief aim of the promoters of the bureau is to help devising constructive means of improving and promoting production of native goods. 


China Press, October 23, 1931. p.2


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