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Full referenceButterfield, K.L (Dr.), Agriculture and National Life (1922)
TypeJournal article
Author(s)Butterfield, K.L (Dr.)
TitleAgriculture and National Life
JournalNorth China Herald and Supreme Court & Consular Gazette
Start page232
End page233
Keywordsexpert; agriculture; farmer; living standard; banking; business; elite; nation; soil; automobile; democracy; credit; organization; cooperation; history; nation; Germany; United States; China

Butterfield notes the recent interest in agriculture and farmers' lives among business men around the world, which he explains by the "relationships of agriculture and national life" including the more pressing food problem since WWI; the growing realization of the importance of the farming group as human factors in national develpment (including democracy), not only as producers but also increasingly as consumers. Investigates the ways businessmen can help the farmers. Finally discuss the issue of the Chinese agriculture, emphasizing the Chinese population rapidly and praising Chinese farmers for their ability to maintain soil fertility and to feed such a massive population over time. Presents China as a kind of social laboratory and an opportunity for Chinese businessmen to cooperate with Chinese farmers in order to solve pressing problems in Chinese agriculture (seed selction, improvement of plants and animals, of methods of cultivation, protection against plant and animal diseases). 


North China Herald and Supreme Court & Consular Gazette, September 9, 1922, p.232-233

Reprint of an address given before the Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA), Shanghai, December 28, 1921


  • Butterfield, K.L (Dr.), Member of the China Educational Commission, President of the Massachusetts Agricultural College
  • Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA), Shanghai
  • China Educational Commission
  • Massachusetts Agricultural College
  • "Green Internationale" (Paris): an organization of peasants, radical in character and representing a determination on the part of peasants to assert themselves
  • The Banker Farmer (a paper published in the United States in which the inter-relations of banking and farming are recognized and discussed)
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