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Full referenceScholz, Emil M., Retail Outlets For Chinese Goods in the U.S. (1924)
TypeJournal article
Author(s)Scholz, Emil M.
TitleRetail Outlets For Chinese Goods in the U.S.
JournalNorth China Herald and Supreme Court & Consular Gazette
Start page78
Keywordsadvertising; retailing; export; consumer; quality; price; newspaper; space; women; Chinese exporter; Chinese retailer; American consumer; United States

Explains the bad reputation of "Oriental' goods in the United States by the Chinese merchants' supposed backwardness about advertising. By contrast, provides a list of Chinese stores in the US that successfully appropriated new advertising and selling method. Encourages young Chinese businessmen, not only Chinese retailers in the US but also Chinese exporters in China, to invest in advertising, especially in magazines advertising, in order to stimulate American women's desires for oriental good, and to leave the specific advertising to retail establishments. 


North China Herald and Supreme Court & Consular Gazette, December 20, 1924, p.78


  • Scholz, Emil M.
  • World Wide Advertising Corporation
  • Vantine's (39 Street, off Fifth Avenue), known as "The House of the Orient", seller of oriental-style goods such as chinaware, teakwood furniture, rattan furniture, silks, jades, etc. all advertised in the New York Times, Herald Tribune and Evening Post
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