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Full referencePearson, C.D., To the Editor of the "North-China Daily News" (1925)
TypeJournal article
Author(s)Pearson, C.D.
TitleTo the Editor of the "North-China Daily News"
JournalNorth China Herald and Supreme Court & Consular Gazette
Start page33
Keywordsopinion; public; water supply; shortage; commodities; Chinese; employee; director; engineer; expert; conflict; Shanghai; International Settlement;

Engineer commissioned by his company (Shanghai Waterworks) to petition against their Chinese employees who threatened the continuance of water and coal supply to the International Settlement. Considered coal and water as commodities but of a specific nature. Suggests that the Company used the image of the engineer as an expert to convince the SMC to take action against their unsubordinated employees, also arguing to the public service that water supply represent for the entire community of residents in the International Settlement. On the other hand, the Engineer may also pretend to be commissioned by his Directors (probably prominent businessmen was halso stand as members in the SMC) as an authority argument. Anxious to preserve the image and reputation of the company among ordinary consumers - so that they would not mistake the cause of a potential disruption of water supply at a time when public utilities companies are frequently object of criticism. 


North China Herald and Supreme Court & Consular Gazette, July 18, 1925, p.33


  • Pearson, C.D., Engineer-in-Chief & Manager (Shanghai Waterworks Company)
  • Shanghai Waterworks Company
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