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Full referenceBureau of Foreign Trade, Chinese Economic Journal and Bulletin (1937)
TypeJournal article
Author(s)Bureau of Foreign Trade
TitleChinese Economic Journal and Bulletin
Start page1
End page120
Date publication1937
Keywordsjournal; economic; bureau; foreign trade; market; reconstruction; cost of living; elite; expert; Shanghai;

Vol XX, no.1 - January 1937


  • A Year's Progress in Industrial Reconstruction - Wu Ting-chang - 1
  • Production and Export of Sesame Seeds - 11 
  • Economic Reconstruction in China - I. Nanking - 30 
  • Chinese Government Domestic and Foreign Loans Outstanding on January 1, 1936 ) E. Kann & J. Baylin - 42 
  • Customs Revenue Collection for 1936 - 71 
  • The Tung Oil Market during 1936 - 73
  • Raw silk classification - 78
  • Notes on Finance, Industry and Commerce - 79
  • China’ Foreign Trade for November, 1936 - 85
  • Shanghai Price-Indexes for November, 1936 - 109
  • Shanghai Raw Silk Exports for December, 1936  - 111 
  • Cost of Living Index - Numbers for Shanghai Workers for December, 1936 - 112
  • Recent Customs Decisions 
  • Movement of Bullion and Currency during December 1936 - 114 
  • Market Quotations for December, 1936 - Foreign Exchange - Foreign Bullion - Gold Bar - Customs Gold Unit - Domestic Bonds - External Bonds - Cotton - Yarn - 115 

The Chinese Economic Journal and Bulletin is published monthly by the Bureau of Foreign Trade, Ministry of Industry, at 406 Kiangse Road, Shanghai. Subscriptions: $10 a year, foreign countries $15, postage included, single copy $1. Back numbers within 12 months, $1,50, after 12 months $2. Registered at the C.P.O. as a newspaper for transmission with special marks privilege in China. 

The JOURNAL accepts contributions for publication. Views expressed in such articles do not necessary carry endorsement of the Editor. Reproduction in full or in part of articles from the JOURNAL is permitted provided source of information is duly acknowledged. 

The Bureau of Foreign Trade invites inquiries from readers desirous of obtaining information relating to commercial and industrial affairs in China. Such inquiries are answered gratis, and every effort is made to provide the most complete and reliage information available. Such letters should be addressed to the Trade Promotion Department, Bureau of Foreign Trade. 

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