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Full referenceStein, Gunther, American business with East Asia. Tenth conference of the Institue of Pacific relations, New York (1947)
Author(s)Stein, Gunther
TitleAmerican business with East Asia. Tenth conference of the Institue of Pacific relations, New York
Place of publicationNew York
CollectionUnited States Paper no3. Hoover Archives, Alonzo Bland Calder Papers (1911-1956), Box 21
Number of Pages34
KeywordsChina; United States; lecture; survey; interview; businessmen; East Asia; editor; newspaper; missionary; table; figure

Gunther Stein. American business with East Asia. Tenth conference of the Institue of Pacific relations, NY.September  1947. United States Paper no3.

A preliminary report on the first results of a study of economic relations between the us and east Asia as reflected in the opinions of informed American businessmen. Study based on interviews.


Stein, Gunther was a recent correspondent for the Christian Science Monitor in China and former Editor of China Air Mail

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