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Full referenceChina Society of America, Aims and Activities of the China Society of America (1944)
Author(s)China Society of America
TitleAims and Activities of the China Society of America
Year of publication1944
Place of publicationNew York
PublisherChina Society of America
Number of Pages8
Keywordselite; association; membership; program; pamphlet; China; United States; entertainment; social event; library; inquiry; magazine; membership

Pamphlet aimed at presenting the purposes and activities of the china Society of America, Inc., established in New York in 1911. Undated but probably 1944. Includes the list of officers and directors, and a subscription coupon. 


Source: Hoover Institution Archives, Stanley Kuhl Hornbeck papers (1900-1966), Box 103, folder "China Society of America"


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