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Full referenceThe Rotary Club's Work (1923)
TypeJournal article
TitleThe Rotary Club's Work
JournalNorth China Herald
Date publication1923
KeywordsRotary; club; meeting; organization; transnational; network; elite; Shanghai; women; civic improvement; welfare; street number; blinds; education; scholarship; American; business; standard;

Summarizes the talk that the president of the Shanghai Rotary Club, S.D. Ren, gave before the Civic Department of the American Woman's Club on November 27, 1923. In his talk, Ren outlined the activities of the Rotary CLub in Shanghai. He expressed its aims to promote and elevate a better standard of business practice, first, and second, to promote public welfare. The second aim, he said, was developed in several directions including the betterment of existing conditions, the development of the coming generation and civic improvement. Some of the ways in which the local organization have accomplished these purposes were to help the Blind School by building an additional building for the accomodation of the blind, by giving two scholarships to the American school and along the lines of civic improvement, by making a study of the system of street numbering in Shanghia with a view to drawing up a better system


North China Herald, December 1, 1923 


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