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Full referenceEconomic Society. Annual Conference at Shanghai. Factories Visited (1927)
TypeJournal article
TitleEconomic Society. Annual Conference at Shanghai. Factories Visited
JournalSouth China Morning Post
Keywordseconomics; learned society; social event; elite; expert; publication; translation; Shanghai; organization; meeting; lecture; dinner; tea party; industry; labor; strike; finance; factory;

Retrospective on the (fifth?) three-day annual conference of the China Economics Society hold in Shanghai from November 18 to 20, 1927. 

First day (18/11) devoted to business meetings and excustion to factories and sight-seeing places in Shanghai. 

Second day (19/11): short business meeting followed by eight papers on different aspects of Chinese economic questions (Chinese currency, private property, rural credit, democracy and public finance, statistics of cultivated land, labour strikes), and lectures by members of the Society (open to the public)

Banquet given by the Society to the leading financiers and business men of Shanghai, who in turn gave the Society a number of dinners and tea parties. 

Papers and lectures were printed for distribution, and special books on economics written or translated by the Society were printed by the Commercial Press under a special arrangement, and published as a special series of books 


The China Economics Society was founded in Beijing in 1923. 

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