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TitlePoster Advertising on Tramways (Sawing through a woman)
DateMonday 17 October 1921
Estimated date1921
Estimated period1919-1929
LocationShanghai IS
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Sawing through a woman

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Tramway Company. Posters on Trams - "Sawing through a Woman". 1921. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-1284 (2004-2008).

Letter from Acting Secretary to Shanghai Electric Construction Company. Shanghai, October 25, 1921. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-1284 (2004).

I am directed to refer to the poster which is at present borne on the trams, entitled "Sawing a through a Woman". 
The Council would be glad if you will be so good as to give an explanation as to this peculiar legend, and I am to add that the Council depreciates such sensational posters, even though technically they may fall within the category of approved advertisements permitted to be placed on the outside of trams. 

Report from Secretary to Finance Committee and Council Chamber. Shanghai, October 27, 1921. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-1284 (2006).
Enquiry of the Tramway Company and reply. The concluding paragraph appears to be satisfactory. 

Letter from Shanghai Electric Construction Company.  Shanghai, October 26, 1921. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-1284 (2007). 

With reference to your letter No. 21/1486 of 25th, inst (Octobre 1921), the wording on the poster referred to was precisely the same as that of advertisements in the local newspapers. Cutting from the North-China Daily News is enclosed.  The wording is similar to that of London advertisements of the same "Illusion" turn when performed in a theatre there this summer. 

I did not personnally see the advertisement before it appeared, but when I did see it, I gave instructions that posters of such a kind should not, in future, be accepted for the cars. 

Extract from the North China Daily News, 17th, 18th, and 19th October, 1921. Shanghai, October 17, 1921. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-1284 (2008). 

Image information
Image typeBlack and white photograph
Source Format & ResolutionPNG 900dpi

SMA (SMC), U1-3-1284 (2002)

Keyword(s) [en]SK_002 ; woman ; tramway ; poster ; objectionable ; press,newspaper,North China Daily News,
District NameInternational Settlement - Central
District typecommercial
Type of mediumTransportation device, Poster & other printed ads
Estimated seasonAutumn
Estimated momentrush hour, day
Textual element

Sawing through a woman


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