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TitleClaude Neon Light on delivery truck advertising Lazaridy vodka (1936)
DateTuesday 4 February 1936
Estimated period1930-1937
LocationShanghai IS
Caption on original image

General Electri R.C. High Tension Cable

Transformer No./870 V


Removable Panels

Plug - Dynatrope - Start - Battery


All tubing ressssed as shown

Image information
Image typeDrawing

Advertising in Public Motorcars and in Trucks - Claude Neon Lights on Vehicles. 1936. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-4-3812 (2658-2670).

Letter from Claude Neon Lights to Secretary. "Copy of a previous application dated February 4, 1936". Shanghai, February 4, 1936. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-4-3812 (2670).

We have a proposal to instal Neon Tubing according to the attached rough sketches, on each side of a truck. The details and specifications are as indicated on each sketch.
We wish to ascertain if there are any regulations against, or if you have any objections to the installation of such signs. As you will note they are of comparatively small size.  

Letter from Claude Neon Lights to Secretary. Shanghai, March 16, 1936. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-4-3812 (2669) .

Under date of February 4th, we adressed a letter fo your Traffic Department of the Council, of which we attach a copy. In acknowledgement Mr. Taylor of the Traffic Department called on us.

Through misunderstanding we did not address you, as we should have done. It was our understanding if the tubing was recessed there would be no objection on the part of the Traffic Department.

The work of installing Neon tubing, recessed, in the panels of a motor truck for Messrs. A.N. Lazaridy Vodka Distillery, 175 Ford Lane, Shanghai, has been completed. Mr. Lazaridy has already made application for a permit to operate the truck. In connection with the permit we enclose a rough sketch showing details and particulars of the installation. The installation is of comparatively small size. We wish to ascertain if the Council has any objection to the installation and operation of the sign.  

Letter from Secretary to Claude Neon Lights. Shanghai, March 17, 1936. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-4-3812 (2668).

I have to acknowledge receipt of your letter of March 16, requesting permission to operate a motor truck upon which a Neon sign has been installed, and to inform you that it s receiving attention.  

Report from Commissioner of Police to Secretary - Claude Neon Lights on Vehicles. Shanghai, March 20, 1936. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-4-3812 (2667).

The vehicle concerned has been inspected and there are no police objections to the issue of a licence.
Is it suggested, however, that the chief Officer of the Fire Brigade be consulted in regard to fire risk.
With reference to applications of this nature, I have to recommend that each case be dealth with separately on its own merits. Advertising signs should not be permitted on the front and rear of vehicles, and all signs should be recessed below the surface of the body panels. I return herewith sketch forwarded by you.  

Sketches of the proposed neon lights. Attached to the metter from Claude Neon Lights to Secretary, dated February 4, 1936". Shanghai, February 4, 1936. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-4-3812 (2663-2666).

Report from Chief Officer (Shanghai Fire Brigade) to Secretary. "Claude Neon Lights on Vehicles - Ref. M13/1". Shanghai, March 26, 1936. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-4-3812 (2662).

With reference to copy of letters from the Commissioner of Police and Claude Neon Lights, Federal Incoporated, U.S.A., on the above subject, sent to me for comment, this Department has no objections to the proposal provided the following points are observed:
WIRING: All Wiring te be High Tension Cable of good quality and properly protected.
TRANSFORMERS: To be as near to the Neon Sign as possible, properly protected and earthed to the frame of the vehicle.
TUBING: To be properly installed and so located as not to be unduly exposed to mechanichal injury. I return herewith sketch forwarded by you.

Letter from Secretary to Claude Neon Lights. Shanghai, March 26, 1936. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-4-3812 (2660-2661).

With reference to your letter of March 16 and my acknowledgement of March 17, with respect to a private motor freight vehicle on which it is proposed to install Neon lifht tubing, I have to state the the vehicle concerned having been inspected ad passed by the Police there are no objections to the issue of a licence, provided the following conditions:
WIRING: All Wiring te be High Tension Cable of good quality and properly protected.
TRANSFORMERS: To be as near to the Neon Sign as possible, properly protected and earthed to the frame of the vehicle.
TUBING: To be properly installed and so located as not to be unduly exposed to mechanichal injury. I return herewith sketch forwarded by you.

With respect to the use of this Neon Lighting as a means of advertising I have to state that the Council's practice in respect of freight motor vehicles is to restrict such advertising to the exhibition solely of the owner's name and business. Advertising signs are not permitted on the front and rear of vehicles, and all signs must be recessed below the surface of the body panels.  

Letter from A.N. Lazaridy (Vodka Distelleries) to S.M.C Secretariat. "Re : Permission for use of van with neon signs". Shanghai, March 27, 1936. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-4-3812 (2659).

Herewith, we kindly request your to hasten with deliverance of the above mentioned permission as we are waiting already two weeks the licese for our van using of which we are in a very need now.
All your conditions with regard to the installation of neon signs will be followed by use according to your regulations.
Please instruct at one your Police Vehicle Inspection Office Gordon Road hand over to us to-day the truck licence for which delivery, as we kno, they have no objection. 

Keyword(s) [en]neon, tubing, motorcar, truck, Lazaridy, vodka, alcohol, drink, beverage, light, traffic, engineering, sketchy, fire, wiring, cable, transformer, electricity, licence, delivery, battery, condenser, transformer, technical, earth, dynatrope, plug, panel
Related document
District NameInternational Settlement
SectorL 2
MaterialsNeon, tubing, wiring, high tension cable, truck
StationDelivery truck (not at the front and rear part of the truck)
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