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TitleOriental Advertising Agency, Proposed hoarding at the junction of Nanking & Hoopeh road (1914)
DateFriday 20 February 1914
Estimated date1914
Estimated periodPre 1919
LocationShanghai IS
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Nanking Rd - Hupeh Rd

The entry

8 feet (length) - 8 feet (height)

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Image typeDrawing

Oriental Advertising Agency. Advertising Hoardings. Central District 2. Nanking & Hoopeh Rds, 1914. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3258 (2356-2359).

Letter from Engineer & Surveyor to Oriental Advertising Company Limited, Shanghai, February 17, 1914. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3258 (2357)

Engineer & Surveyor requests to Oriental Advertising Company send a sketch plan showing the exact positions of the proposed hoardings and the construction of same, with reference to their application of Feb 14, 1914, for a permit to erect advertising hoarding at the junction of the Nanking and Hoopeh Roads

Letter from Oriental Advertising Company to Public Works Department. Shanghai, February 17, 1914. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3258 (2358)

Oriental Advertising Company forwards the sketch plan showing the exact positions of the proposed hoardings and the construction of same, with reference to their application of Feb 14, 1914, for a permit to erect advertising hoarding at the junction of the Nanking and Hoopeh Roads as requested by Public Works Department.

Keyword(s) [en]hoarding, oriental advertising agency, central, roof, corner, junction, entry, permit, exact, position
District NameInternational Settlement - Central
Type of mediumBillboard/Hoarding
Dimensions8' x 8' (2,5 x 2,5 m)

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