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TitleS. Wushida, Advertising on Electric Poles (1942)
DateWednesday 30 September 1942
Estimated period1938-1943
LocationShanghai IS
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Image typeDrawing

Mr. S. Wushida - Advertising on electric poles of Shanghai Power Company - approved. 1942. Source: SMA (SMC) : U1-4-3813 (2750-2782).

Advertisements on Electric Poles)  file No. M13/2. Shanghai, June ? 1943. Source: SMA (SMC) : U1-4-3813 (2795).

In reply to your letter of June 4, 1943, File No. M13.2, I have to report that the permit fee for erecting advertising boards has been rvised from $7.00 to $10.00 effective from January 1, 1943.
I would recommend, therefore, that clause No.6 of the Conditions for this form of advertising be amended for the remainder of the year1943 as follows : 6. Permits  for "Fix-On Types" - For erecting advertising boards - $10 per pole, payable in advance. For advertising tax : Each Advertisement $15 per month, payable in advance, with a maximum of $45.00 per month for each pole


Letter from S.M.C to Wushida. Shanghai, November 24, 1942. Source: SMA (SMC) : U1-4-3813 (2750-2751).

I have to refer to your letter of Septembre 30 (1942), requesting the Council's permission to utilize the electric poles of the Shanghai Power Company for advertising purposes. I have now to inform you that the Council accords its permission of a trial period of one year, subject to compliance with the following conditions:
1. Date to be inserted on each galvanized iron or iron board advertisement which should have a neat appearance and should be replaced on instructions of the Police when necessary. 2. No paper posters to be pasted on the advertising boards.
3. No "Outstreched type" boards to be erected.
4. Size of "Fix-on Type" boards to be 5 feet in length and erected 6 feet above the ground. Slogans (free space) issued by the Council to be painted at the top of the boards, occupying one-fith of the space of each board. No board to be permitted to face the roadway, i.e. only three sides of the pole will be utilized for advertisements. In case of accidents through boards balling down, the Agency concerned to be hed responsible for any damage caused thereby.
5. Whenever advertising boards are being erected, painted, etc. the Company concerned to arrange for a coolie to be present with a red flag (1 foot square) in order to prevent accidents.
6. Permits for "Fix-On Types" - For erecting advertising boards - $7 per pole, payable in advance. For advertising tax : Each Advertisement $10.00 per month, payable in advance, with a maximum of $30.00 per month for each pole.
7. Advertisements to be approved by the Commissioner of Police.  

Commissioner of Public Works to Secretary - Your File M.13/2 - Letter from Commissioner of Pulic Works dated November 14, 1942 - Advertising on Electric Poles. Shanghai, November 21, 1942. Source: SMA (SMC) : U1-4-3813 (2752).

In view of the rules governing shop and advertising signs, I endorse the suggestion that the issue of permit for the outstretched type be deferred for the present.

Advertising on Electric Poles - Report of Commissioner of Police, dated November 6, 1942. Shanghai, November 17, 1942. Source: SMA (SMC) : U1-4-3813 (2753).

I am in agreement with item 1 of the Commissioner's report. Items 2 to 5 inclusive and item 8 do not concern this Department. With regards to items 6 and 7 I suggest that, in accordant with the usual procedure, the agency be required to apply for a permit from the P.W.D. the present cost of which is $7 per pole. This is a non-recurring fee and is distinct from the fee paid in erespect of advertising tax and easement privilege.
The fees as set out in the Commissioner's report to be regarded as covering these latter tow items. The procedure in respect or recovery would then be as follows: After obtaining the necessary permit from the P.W.D The agency would be required to notify this office in writing details of the effective dates on which advertisements have been disaplyer on each particular pole, indicating whether in the case of the outstreched type both sides have been utilised and in the case of the fiwed-on type, the number of sides utilised.
This departement would thereupon issue to the agency a registration disc in respect of each panel upon which advertisement have been displayer and bring such locations under taxation from the date of display of advertising.
Monthly debit noteswould be renderd by this department payable in advance in respect of all such registrered locations which would continue to be deemed liable to taxation until withdrawal of the advertisement and return of the registration discs to this department.

Advertising on Electric Poles - Report from Commissioner of Public Workds dated November 14, 1942. Shanghai, November 14, 1942. Source: SMA (SMC) : U1-4-3813 (2754).

There would appear to be no objection to issuing permits for advertising boards of the fix-on type on three faces of public utility poles. But the rules governing shop signs and advertising signs prohibit any projection of more that 3 feet form the back of the building line and also prohibit any signs extended over the carriageways, so I suggest that the issue of permits for the outstreched type be deferred for the present.

S/O  M.13/2  dated Octobre 22, 1942 - Advertising on Electric Poles. Shanghai, November 6, 1942. Source: SMA (SMC) : U1-4-3813 (2755-2756).

In connection with the above subject, I submit the following conditions:
1. Date to be inserted on each galvanized iron or iron board advertisement which should have a neat appearance and should be replaced on instructions of the Police when necessary. 2. No paper posters to be pasted on the advertising boards.
3. Size of "outstreched type" boards to be 2' x 5' and erected 15 feet above the ground in order to avoid collision with Double Decked Buses in Future.
Slogans (free space) issued by the Council to be painted at the bottom of the boards, occupying one-fifth of the space of each board.

Bracket supporters to be 3/3 of an inch thick and 1 inch wide, to be painted white and kept neat at all times. In case of accidents thtough boards falling on the roadway, the Company concerned to be held responsible for any damage.
4. Size of "Fix on Type" boards to be 5 feet in length and erected 6 feet above the ground. Slogans (free space) issued by the Council to be painted at the top of the pole will be utilized for advertisements.
5. Whenever advertising boards are being erected, painted, etc. the Company concerned to arrange for a coolie to be present with a red flag (1 foot suare) in order to prevent accidents.
6. Permits for the "Outstreched Type" - Each advertisement $20.00 per month. Maximum fee $ 40.00 if two sides are utilized.
7. Permits for the "Fix-On Types" - Each Advertisement $10.00 per month. Maximum fee $30.00 for three sides. 8. Advertisements to be approved by the Commissioner of Police.

Secretary to Commissioner of Police Advertising on Electric Poles. Shanghai, October 22, 1942. Source: SMA (SMC) : U1-4-3813 (2757).

Relative to the applicaiton from Mr. S. Wushida for permission to advertise on the shanghai Power Company's poles, and your report of October 19, I have to inform you of the Council's decision to permit this form of advertising for a trial period of one year, subject to compilance with Departmental requirements and conditions designed to ensure satisfactory control.

Accordingly, I have to request that you will kindly report specifying fully the Police requirements and conditions in this matter, for communication by me to the concerned. It is also desired that you will report as to the feasibility of taxing this form of advertising.

Extract from Council's Minute dated October 21, 1942 - Advertisement on Electric Poles. Shanghai, October 21, 1942. Source: SMA (SMC) : U1-4-3813 (2758-2759).

Advertisement on Electric Poles. The Chairman refers to a memorandum dated October 16 by the Secretary dealing with an application from Mr. S. Wushida to advertise on the Shanghai Power Company poles. As pointed out in the Secretary's memorandum, the Chairman states that is has been the past general policy of the Council not to permit advertising on public utility street standards. While pointing out that he is not asking reconsideration of the Council's past general policy on this matter because of the fact that the applicant is a Japanese, the Chairman states that this matter might be re-considereed for the following reasons :
1. At the present time, a variety of posters have appeared on the public utility street standards in violating the Council's ruling and it might be advisable th permit such advertisements to responsible parties with strict control so that the electric poles may be kept clean and devoid of the advertisements with undesirable effects.
2. The applicant in question according to the documents submitted by him seems to be fully experienced in this line of work.
The Chairman adds that although he has no strong views he feels inclined to let this present applicant try his advertisement scheme as the type of advertising submitted by the applicant appears to be similar to those approved in Japan and may improve the present situation under some sort of control and therefore invited Members's views.

Mr. Glathe expresses the opinion that the suggestion proposed seems to be worthy of a trial and therefore suggests that the scheme be approved for a trial period of say, three months.

 Mr. Jabin Hsu states that if the present applicant proceeds with his advertising campaign, he will not doubt be put to large capital expenditure as well as other sundry expenses and fears that if the trial period is limited to short period the applicant might not consider that is is worth his while to proceed with his scheme.
Mr. Theoc... Chang expresses agreement with Mr. Jabin Hsu's remarks and states that a trial period of at least one year should be permitted if this scheme is approved.
On Members's enquiry regarding the details and conditions which might be imposed in connection with permission for advertisement on electric poles, the Secretary explains that this matter has been submitted to Members for decision regarding the Counc'ils Policy. If the Council approves in principle of the advertising scheme submitted details will be studied by the Departments concerned and submitted for approval to the appropriate committee.
Mr Glathe enquires whether the applicant has approached the Shanghai Power Company for permission to utilize their poles and the Chairman replies that according to the comment before Members this permission apparently has already been given by the appointed Trustees of the Shanghai Power Company.

(p.2/2) In explanation to Members's enquiries of the question of monopoly which might be enjoyed bye the applicant, Mr. Wushida, the Chairman states that in view of the prevailing circumstances there would not be too much business obtainable by the party given the work. It follows therefore that although explicit monopoly would not e given to the applicant approval on the present applicant's request will be in practice a grant of a monopoly and he would also be required to include S.M.C. notices, notifications, etc.
Mr Kambe expresses the opinion that there should be a Police regulation so as to enable control of advertisements in order not to impair the appearance of the city.

Mr. Yuan supports the view expressed by Members and adds that since the applicant has already received the approval of the Power Company to utilize their poles for the purpose of advertising and as the present man appears to have had considerable experience in this type of advertising he trusts that the applicant's advertising will be carried out satisfactorily, and suggests approval of the application for a trial period.

In reply to Mr. Yezima's enquiry, the chairman states that is it is felt that it would be preferable not to grant the present applicant a monopoly the Council could stipulate that only a certain portion of the space available for advertising could be allowed to him and the remaining portion could be reserved for other parties.
After further brief discussion, Members unanimously agree that the application to advertise on the Power Company's electric poles be approved in principle for a trial period to one year.

Your File M.13/2 - Letter from S. Wushida Dated September 30, 1942 - Advertising on Electric Poles - Commissioner of Police to Secretary. Shanghai, October 19, 1942. Source: SMA (SMC) : U1-4-3813 (2760).

From a police Point of view advertising on electric poles is not desirable as it would only lead to confusion on the streets.

Secretary to Members of Council - Advertisement on Electric Poles. Shanghai, October 16, 1942. Source: SMA (SMC) : U1-4-3813 (2761).

There is attached an application for permission to advertise on the Shanghai Power Company poles. The applicant, who has considerable experience in this type of advertising, has already obtained the written consent to do so from the Trustees of the Power Company. It has been the Council's general policy in the past not to permit advertising on public utility street standards.
At the present time, however, a variety of posters have appeared in the Streets, and in order to enable controle hereof, it is submitted for members' consideration that permission be accorded to responsible parties subject to conditions designed to ensure satisfactory control and to suitable payment for the privilege.

Translation of letter to Chairman from S. Wushida - September 30, 1942. Shanghai, September 30, 1942. Source: SMA (SMC) : U1-4-3813 (2762).

As I propose to commence a business of posting advertisement on the electric poles of the Central China Waterworks and Electricity Company, Limited, and the Shanghai Power Company according to the enclosed plan, you are requested to give this matter consideration and grant me permission. Should my application be granted, I would not only adhere strictly to the Council's regulations but also perform the following obligations. A letter of agreement of the Central China Waterworks and Electricity Company, a statement of my aims and my business record are herewith enclosed.
1. On discovery of any ugly-looing writings and broken posters, I shall remove them speedily so as not to spoil the neat appearance of the standards.
2. A corner shall be provided on the various advertisements for the free posting of any slogans, etc. sanctioned by the Authorities. 3. I shall make a certain amount of contribution yearly to the Council for the prupose of beautifying the appearance of the streets. (Chopped) S. Wushida

Enclosure I - Letter of Agreement from the Central China Waterworks and Electricity Company, Limited. Shanghai, September 30, 1942. Source: SMA (SMC) : U1-4-3813 (2762).

Letter of Agreement. Dated Setpember 17, 1942. We hereby declare that Mr. S/ Wushida reisding at No. 24, Lane 58, North Haining Road, Shanghai, has our consent to use our electri poles for the purpose of conducting an advertising business. (chopped) Central China Waterworks and Electricity Company, Limited, Adress : No. 2, Ah Zei Li, N. Szechuen Road.  

Enclosure II - Precis Translation of Statement of Aims submitted to Chairman by S. Wushida - September 30, 1942. Shanghai, September 30, 1942. Source: SMA (SMC) : U1-4-3813 (2762-2763).

For many years, I have worked as auditory of the Electric Advertising Company, Limited (affiliated with the Tokyo Electric Lamp Company, Limited) and as the sole agent for iron pole advertising of the Yokohama Electric Bureau. Having been engaged for a long time on this line of business, I presume I can rely on my experience, and I hope you will kindly permit me to post advertisements on the electric standard of the Central China Waterworks and Electricity Company and the Shanghai Power Company under the Council's jurisdiction.

Not to mention the work of enhancing the beauty of this city, I shall pay careful attention also to the uniformity of the advertisements, the restrictions in respect of their colour and the diminuation of any undesirable posters. Moreover, not being bent on making a profit, I may put free of charge various slogans calculated to promote the interests of the Asiatic people, say, on a corner of the advertisements. In view of the above would you please grant my applciation and oblige.

Enclosure III - Record of Past Experience. Shanghai, September 30, 1942. Source: SMA (SMC) : U1-4-3813 (2763).

Record of Past Experience. Name : S. Wushida. Address : No. 24, Lane 58, North Haining Road. Experience. (1) Established in 1931 the Asahi Advertising Company. An Office was set up at No. 60, 5th Co-me, Oda-cho, Central District Yokohama to condut the following business. A. Advertising o the iron poles of the Yokohama Electri Bureau since 1933. B. Advertising on the electric poles of the Tokyo Electric Lamps Company, Limited, in tami, Shizucka Prefecture, since 1934. C. Advertising on the electric poles under the charge of the Yokohama Office of the Tokyo Electric Lamps Company, since 1935.  D. Advertising on the indicating towers at bus stops of the Electric Bureau, Yokohama, since 1939. (2) Engaged in June, 1926 as the Advisor of the Electric Lamp Advertisement Company, Limited, No. 3, 2nd Cho-me, West Ginza, Tokyo, a subordinate company of the Tokyo Electric Lamp Company, Limited. Engaged as Auditor of the Company since December 1937.

Enclosure III - Translation - Explanations in Plan. Shanghai, September 30, 1942. Source: SMA (SMC) : U1-4-3813 (2763).

Translation - Explanations in Plan.
(I) Outstretched Advertisements.
1. Advertisements will be posted on galvanized iron boards or iron boards measuring 5 feet high and 2 feet board to be fixed on the electric standard over about 10 feet above the gounrd. The slogans and avertisements are to be painted.
2. The boards will be fixed with begs. 3. As regards the method of fixing the boards, a supporter made of iron bolts 0.15 inch thick and 1 inch broad shall be made and the board fixed to the electric pole by wooden screw and nail so as to prevent falling.
(II) The galvanized iron board or iron board (6 ft. high) to be fixed around the electric standard 4 feet above the ground. The slogans and advertisements to be painted on all four sides of the standard.
Enclosure III - Sketch - Map of the proposed advertisement (in Chinese). Shanghai, September 30, 1942. Source: SMA (SMC) : U1-4-3813 (2764).

Secretary to Members of Council - Advertisement on Electric Poles. Shanghai, October 13, 1942. Source: SMA (SMC) : U1-4-3813 (2765).

There is attached an application for permission to advertise on the Shanghai Power Company poles. The applicant, who has considerable experience in this type of advertising, has already obtained the written consent to do so from the Trustees of the Power Company. It has been the Council's general policy in the past not to permit advertising on public utility street standards. At the present time, however, a variety of posters have appeared in the Streets, and in order to enable controle hereof, it is submitted for members' consideration that permission be accorded to responsible parties subject to conditions designed to ensure satisfactory control and to suitable payment for the privilege.  

Designation of Article Used. Shanghai, October 13, 1942. Source: SMA (SMC) : U1-4-3813 (2766).

K. Moquel (Chairman) to Secretary - Advertisement on Electric Poles. Shanghai, October 12, 1942. Source: SMA (SMC) : U1-4-3813 (2767).

There is attached an application for permission to advertise on the shanghai Power Company poles, with comment by the D/C.P.W. The Council's policy which as been consistently adhered to for many years, is not permit advertising on public utility streets standards. Your instructions please, as to: (1) Whether the application should be rejected without further reference (2) Submission to Watch Committee or (3) Reference to Co-ordinating Committee?  

Commissioner of Public Works to Secretary - Advertisements on Electric Poles - Letter dated 30/9/42 from S. Wushida, Ref. M.13/2. Shanghai, October 5, 1942. Source: SMA (SMC) : U1-4-3813 (2768).

I recommend that the rule not to permit advertising on any poles on public roads be adhered to, and that this request be not granted.

Comments on the Original letter (in Chinese) to Chairman from S. Wushida ?. Shanghai, June 24, 1943. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3257 (2090-2098).

Mr. Kawakami said that the attached letter was not despatched as arranged verbally by the Commissioner with the Secretary.

Keyword(s) [en]public utility, pole, electric, japanese, galvanized, iron, outstretched, fixed-on, projection, paper, red, flag, coolie, side, cleansing, confusion
District NameInternational Settlement
Type of mediumAdvertising station
MaterialsGalvanized iron, paper
StationPublic utility pole
LanguageChinese, English, Japanese

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