This cyclical circle aims to identify seasonal effects in advertisements displayed in the Chinese newspaper Shenbao (1914-1949). Each quarter of the circle represents a season, starting from winter on the top right-hand corner, to autumn in the top left-hand corner (clockwise). Our five usual sample years are chronologically displayed by the five concentric circles: the most central the circle, the oldest the sample (from 1914 at the center, to 1949 or 1950 on the periphery of the circle). In each circle and circle quarters are collected advertisements that express seasonal effects, according to the related season and year. Colored balloons outside the circle contain "out-of-season" advertisements. Aside the circle are listed season-oriented products (black lettering) and representations (red lettering).
This circle suggests four main assumptions, which would require further research to be ascertained, proved and refined:
- seasons mostly affects products and representations/discourses, rather than the advertising population, space (location, areas) and newspaper "landscapes". In a word, seasonal effects are "superficial" rather than "structural";
- seasonal effects vary according to the seasons themselves: "strong" season (winter/summer) appear to have stronger effets on advertisements than "in-between", "weak" or "half-season" (spring/autumn. Moreover, while "strong" seasons affects products and consumption practices as well as representations, half-seasons tend to affect representations only.
- seasonal effects proved very limited at the beginning of the period (1914), but became more obvious after the 1920-1930s;
- by comparing the Shenbao circle to the similar circle built for the British newspaper North China Daily News (see "Related data"), it appears that seasonal effects emerged ealier in the British newspaper, than in the Chinese one.