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TitleAdvertising Club of China's local network in Shanghai (1918-1931)
Digitized fileNo
Year Start1918
Year End1931

The first map shows the places of meeting of the three main advertising associations in Shanghai, above all the Advertising Club of China, as well as two less-documented professional organizations : the Chinese-led Association of Chinese Advertising Agencies (1923-1947) and the outdoor-oriented Advertising Association of China founded in 1924.

The second map focuses on the Advertising Club of China. It aims to establish a typology of events and places in Shanghai, from its founding in 1918, until its dissolution in 1931 : general meetings (blue dots), conferences/lectures (blue triangles), and more entertaining events (dinner, anniversary celebration, reception, garden party) (green diamond).

These maps have been established after various sources (mostly the local press in Shanghai and the Shanghai Municipal Archives).

Keywordsnetwork ; map ; connection ; foreign ; Chinese ; club ; association ; member ; agency ; local ; associate ; place ; meeting ; event ; conference ; competitor ; Shanghai
LanguageChinese, English

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