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TitleShanghai Rotarians' places of residence (grouped by occupation)
Digitized fileNo
Year Start1930
Year End1948

This map aims at localizing the residence of the members of the Shanghai Rotary Club, according to their social-professional occupations between 1930 and 1948. Original data comes from three successive rosters of members published in 1930, 1940 and 1948. I have classified the occupations into three main categories : middle managers (red dots), professionals and senior executives (yellow dots), trade and business owners (dark green dots) - and less significantly, retired members (light green dots). I relied on ArcGis and QGis to process and map spatial data. 

The map shows that all classes of occupations elected the Western sections of the foreign settlements as their favorite place of residence, with minor variations from one class to the other. While middle managers prefered to live in the residential zone of the French Concession, trade and business owners were more attracted by the Western district of the International Settlement. The residences of professional and senior executives were comparatively scattered throughout the foreign settlements. 


Keywordsclub ; transnational ; Rotary ; Shanghai ; residence ; office ; foreign settlement ; residence ; occupation ; Western district ;

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