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TitleAdvertisements series in the Shenbao and North China Daily News (1914-1949)
Year Start1914
Year End1949
DateMonday 13 February 2017

This table aims to follow various advertisements series in extended weekly samples of the newspapers Shenbao and North China Daily News (Jan 7-15 1914; Jan 1-8 1924, Jan 1-10, 1934 - Jan 2 & 6 issues missing ; Feb 1-7 1941 ; Jan 1-13 1949 -  Jan 2, 3, 4, 8, 10 issues missing). For each series are mentioned:  the brand or advertiser's name, the type of series, the type of product and business sector code, the degree of creativity (according to the scale established in the "Drawings" section), the number of occurrences in the given sample, the number of variants in the same sample, the coefficient of variation (number of variants/number of occurences), the number of issues, the duration (number of days), the frequency (number of occurrences/number of issues).

Data are listed on the first sheet, while the second sheet provides the key to better understand the table.

This table has proved a useful tool to identify various types of series, to compare their degrees of creativity,  and to eventually build the related graphs (see the "graphs" section), scales (see the "Drawings" section) and trees (see the "Trees" section).

The method remains limited by the restricted sample that we have used for building the table. Therefore, most of the series have been drastically cut. Such a limited sample does not allow to reconstitue entire series. In order to prove its efficiency, the method needs to be applied to extended samples and to other periods of time (1924, 1934, etc).

Keywordsseries, sample, brand, creativity, coefficient, frequency, duration, occurrence, variation, variant, comparison, Shenbao, North China Daily News,

Series.xlsx (54.98 ko)

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