170 documents
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TitleJulean Arnold's weekly despatches (personnel and office section)
Year Start1926
Year End1927
DateSaturday 12 January 2019

The table aims to extract essential information from Arnold's weekly reports (or despatches) related to his personnel and daily work as the American commercial attache in China between 1919 and 1937. Each report is given its exact date a (year, month, start/end day), its author's name and position, the nature and type of action (report, inside/outside call, letter), its object and state of progress, the name and position of correspondents (in case of telephone calls or letters), the datation and location from which the letter was sent/received, and source references (archival records and page number in the digital copy). 

Source: Hoover Archives, Julean Arnold Papers (1905-1945), Box 5, folder 2, "Despatches, 1926-27"

Keywordscommercial attache ; Julean Arnold ; China ; United States ; daily work ; office ; interview ; event ; staff ; contact ; weekly ; report ; despatch

Tab204_ArnoldWR_Pers_1926.xlsx (42.6 ko)

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