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TitleJulean Arnold's business cards
Year Start1937
DateSaturday 12 January 2019

The table is a list of Julean Arnold's contacts in China and the United States as we can infer from his colllection of business cards in 1937. As far as possible, the table provides their English and Chinese name, title, sex, nationality, position and affiliation (institution, department), the nature of business, location (country, state, city, office and home address), phone number, visual information (logos), manuscript observations that Arnold or his contact wrote directly on the card, information at back, and source references (archival records and page number in the digital copy). 

Source: Hoover Archives, Julean Arnold Papers (1905-1945), Box 8

Keywordscommercial attache ; Julean Arnold ; China ; United States ; relation ; business card ; visual ; network ; elite ; representation ;

Tab206_ArnoldBusCard_1937.xlsx (15.57 ko)

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