170 documents
118/170 results        
TitleMarket experts in China
Year Start1850
Year End1949
DateSaturday 19 January 2019

The table lists all the market and consumer experts (Chinese and foreign) I could record in the various sources available during the late Qing-Republican period (professional journals, newspapers, directories, archives). The table contains the following information: expert's name and qualifications (field of specialization, academic degree, graduation year), affiliation and position within his/her institution, publications (article, journal). The data in blue refers to information I personnaly added in view of further analysis (nationality, sex, typology of publications). The first sheet lists the experts and the second sheet ("sources") lists the sources (journals, newspapers) I relied on, with their names (titles), producers (publishers), place and datation. 

NB This is a work in progress 

Keywordsexpertise ; market ; economic information ; journal ; newspaper ; graduate ; China ; foreign ;

Tab226_Experts.xlsx (52.7 ko)

118/170 results        
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