170 documents
130/170 results        
TitleCalder's correspondence in China and the United States
Year Start1928
Year End1949
DateMonday 4 February 2019

The table provides a list of the letters that the American commercial attache Alonzo Calder sent or received in/from China and the United States between 1928 and 1949, including their datation (year, month, day), the name, nationality, sex and position of Calder's correspondent, the location (country, state, city, address) from/to which they were sent, their object, a summary of their content, the number of pages, personal observations, and source references (archival records and digital copy). 

It was compiled from various boxes in Calder's personel papers at the Hoover Institution Archive. 

NB This is a work in progress

Source: Hoover Archives, Alonzo Bland Calder Papers (1911-1956)

Keywordscommercial attache ; correspondence ; Calder ; China ; United States ; network ; letter

Tab238_CalderCorresp_1928-49.xlsx (11.17 ko)

130/170 results        
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