675 documents
430/675 results        
NameMale deficiency
Start date1914
End date1949
Related productSpecialists in lowered virility in the male, Sexologists (male), Male sex booster
Buisness SectorH1

In 1949, male sex boosters (壯陽種子藥 Zhuangyang zhongzi yao, 壯陽秘寳 培元種子丹 Zhuangyangmibao peiyuanzhongzidan) eventually joined and even replaced male seed (種珍 zhuzhen) and pills preventing nocturnal emission (遺精丸 Yijingwan; 遺精醫治法 Yijing yizhifa), sold in 1914 and 1924 respectively. This suggests a shift from a rather negative to more positive view of male sexuality.

Note that these products were advertised in the Shenbao only. This further suggests that male sexual deficiency was considered as a typically Chinese curse that affected exclusively Chinese men.


Health, manhood, virility

430/675 results        
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