1079 documents
997/1079 results        
NameMason Company, Limited, Proposed Flash Light Advertising Screen, Cad. Lot 533, No. 213 Boundary Road
TitleProposed Flash Light Advertising Screen, Mason Company (Western District)
AuthorK.S. Park (formerly of Mason Company); Commissioner of Public Works; Commissioner of Police; Fire Brigade;
CollectionShanghai Municipal Archives
Sub collectionShanghai Municipal Council
Reference NumberSMA (SMC), U1-14-3266 (0993-1019); U1-14-3269 (1393-1400)
Repository typeArchive

K.S. Park to Commissioner of Public Works. Shanghai, January 6, 1927. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3269 (1393)

I beg to enclose herewith application for Permit for Flashlight Advertising. I wish to inform you that the Flashlight Advertising Machine in question is the one which I showed to the officer of the Fire Brigade for inspection when I was connected with Messrs. Mason Company, Limited, which has its office at 29 Szechuen Road. Your early granting of the Permit shall be appreciated.  

Commissioner of Public Works to Commissioner of Police - "Proposed Flash Advertising Screen - No. 213 Boundary Road - Cad. Lot 553 Northern". Shanghai, January 11, 1927. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3269 (1395-1396).

An application for permission to instal a flashlight advertising screen on the first floor verandah of the above premises has been received from Mr. K.S. Park, formerly of the Mason Company, Limited. The applicant states that the apparatus is similar to that for which permits were recently requested in the case of premises at the corner of North Szechuen and Range Roads, and also at No. 455 Nanking Road. I shall be greatly obliged if you will kindly let me know whether you have any objection to the issue of the permit.  

Commissioner of Police to Commissioner of Public Works. "Proposed Flash Advertising Screen - No. 213 Boundary Road - Cad. Lot 553 Northern". Shanghai, January 17, 1927. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3269 (1399).

With reference to your letter marked BS-10/341, dated January 11, 1927, there is no objection to the erection of this screen and flashlight provided that the lamp is ventilated and all the work near the lamp is adequately protected by some fire resisting material i.e. asbestos or sheet iron, in the case of the latter with a small air space in rear.

Keywordsfire ; flashlight ; permit ; police ; safety ;
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