Hollis H. Arnold Inc. To Commissioner of Public Work - "Steel Tower for Electric Display Advertising". Shanghai, November 1, 1935. SMA (SMC), U1-14-3268 (1351).
We were advised that there were no established regulations governing the height and other features of design of a high steel tower proposed for the Lot on the south side of Hankow Road and east side of Thibet Road. We would appreciate the favour of being advised if any Municipal Regulations or the approval of designs would limit the height of such a structure and also if the Building Code requirements, for steel structures would be applicable.
Commissioner of Public Work to Hollis H. Arnold Inc. - "Steel Tower for Advertising Purposes - Hankow & Thibet Roads - Cad Lot 657, Central". Shanghai, November 4, 1935. SMA (SMC), U1-14-3268 (1353).
In reply to your letter of the 1st inst. Regarding the construction of a steel tower to be used for advertising purposes, I shall be obliged if you will kindly forward any sketch plans you may have of the proposed structure, giving the height, area to be built upon, etc. in order that a detailed report may be made for the information of the Departments concerned.
Hollis H. Arnold Inc. To Commissioner of Public Work - "Steel Tower for Advertising Purposes - Hankow & Thibet Roads - Cad Lot 657, Central". Shanghai, November 11, 1935. SMA (SMC), U1-14-3268 (1354).
Replying to your esteemed favour of November 4th, reference BS-142/33, it is proposed to build a steel tower about 50 feet square at the base, and 160 to 180 feet high, near the west-end of the lot, to support electric signs about 80 feet wide and 100 to 120 feet high, with the bottom of the sign about 60 feet above the ground level. We would appreciate the favour of being advised if the S.M.C.'s Building Code, for structural steel, would be applicable to the design and if any rates for Municipal Taxation would be applicable.
Acting Commissioner of Public Work to Acting Commissioner of Police - "Steel Tower for Advertising Purposes - Hankow & Thibet Roads - Cad Lot 657, Central" - Shanghai, November 12, 1935. SMA (SMC), U1-14-3268 (1356).
A preliminary application has been received from Hollis H. Arnold Inc. for permission to construct an advertising tower on Cadastral Lot 657, Hankow and Thibet Roads.
A copy of the application is forwarded and you will not that it is proposed to construct the tower to a height of 160 to 180 feet. The only other structure of this nature in the Settlement is the Yee Tsong Tobacco Company's clock tower near the junction of Avenue Edward VII and Thibet Road, and the proposed structure will apparently be something of that nature with considerably more advertising matter secured to it.
The Rules limiting the height of advertising hoardings do not apply in this case, and as the structure if erected, may cause crowds to assemble, I should be obliged if you will kindly let me have your views on the matter from a traffic point of view.
Acting Commissioner of Police to Commissioner of Public Works - "BS-D.14/182 - Steel Advertising Tower Hankow & Thibet Roads Corner". Shanghai, November 21, 1935. SMA (SMC), U1-14-3268 (1357).
I have to state that there are no Police objections to the erection of a steel tower at the corner of Hankow and Thibet Roads. In this connection I foward herewith copy of a letter received from the Moore Memorial Church for your information.
Moore Memorial Church - "Attention Mr. A.H. Chamberlain". Shanghai, November 19, 1935. SMA (SMC), U1-14-3268 (1359).
We are informed that a commercial advertising tower is to be erected on the lot next to this church. We write this note to suggest that any tower or building erected at this spot should be architecturally fitting and should not be permitted to detract from the appearance of this particular sky line.
In addition we believe that regulations should be very strict as to type of advertising which shall be given such public prominence, ruling out as far as possible those things which are a menace to public welfare. Thanking you for calling these points to the attention of those responsible, I am...
Commissioner of Public Work to Hollis H. Arnold Inc. - "Steel Tower for Advertising Purposes - Hankow & Thibet Roads - Cad Lot 657, Central". Shanghai, November 27, 1935. SMA (SMC), U1-14-3268 (1360).
With reference to your letters of the 1st and 11th November, regarding the erection of an advertising tower on Cadastral Lot 657, Hankow and Thibet Roads, I have to inform you that a permit to construct the tower will be issued on receipt of the required plans, calculations, etc, but before proceeding with any drawings I should be obliged if you will kindly call at this office with regard to the wind stresses to be allowed for in designing the structure.
In reply to your query in the last paragraph or your letter of the 11th instant, the structrue will be subject to General Municipal Rate and also to the usual Advertising Taxation.