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NameTransmutograph (Far East) Advertising. Electric Signs overlooking Racecourse
TitleTransmutograph (Far East) Advertising. Broadcasting Municipal News, Racecourse
AuthorTransmutograph (Far East); Commissioner of Public Works
CollectionShanghai Municipal Archives
Sub collectionShanghai Municipal Council
Reference NumberSMA (SMC), U1-14-3170 (0609-0613)
Repository typeArchive

Deputy Secretary to Commissioner of Public Works. Shanghai, January 16, 1931. Source SMA (SMC), U1-14-3170 (0610).

I forward herewith copy of letter trom the Transmutograph (Far East) offering to broadcast Municipal news by means of their Electric Sign overlooking the Race Course. Will you be so kind as to avise me if you wish to make use of this merdium of publicity.  

Transmutograph (Far East) to S.M.C. Secretary. Shanghai, January 14, 1931. Source SMA (SMC), U1-14-3170 (0612).

The "Transmutograph" - The Electric Sign overlooking the Race Course - holds the attention of every one on their way to town along Bubbling Well Road. The News items broadcast every day mark an advance on any other form of out-door publicity. For the purpose of the council, we feel that it is the ideal out-door medium in collaboration with the "Gazette". You could advertise the Sunday Concerts, Health Notices, Holiday Announcements or draw attention to the enactment of new Regulations, Police Notices and so forth. To induce you to test the wonderful drawing power of this form of out-door publicity, we shall be pleased to give you a sepcial discount of 33.1/3% off the enclosed rates. If you will kindly let us know what time suits your convenience, we shall be glad to call upon you. 

Commissioner of Public Works to Depuy Secretary. Shanghai, January 19, 1931. Source SMA (SMC), U1-14-3170 (0613). 

Whilst I am of opinion that the proposal contained in the letter from Transmutograph (Far East) would be helpful to the Council in some ways, it would not, I think, be of any direct assistance to this Department. 

Keywordselectric ; entertainment ; gazette ; municipal ; news ; outdoor ; racecourse ; rate ;
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