1079 documents
1035/1079 results        
NameBelge Neonlite Company Ltd,  Enseignes Lumineuses, Grand Monde, Sine Pharmacy
TitleBelge Neonlite Company Ltd,  Electric Sign, Great World/Sine Pharmacy
AuthorBelge Neonlite Company;
CollectionShanghai Municipal Archives
Sub collectionFrench Municipal Council
Reference NumberSMA (FC), U38-4-1109 (0525-0527) 
Repository typeArchive

Belge Neonlite Company Limited to French Municipal Council [Great World]. Shanghai, 21 Août 1929. Source: SMA (FC), U38-4-1109 (0525-0527). 

(Permis accordé le 29 août 1929). 

Please grant us permission to erect an electric sign in front of the Great World Building on Avenue Edward VII for a period of three days. Our electric sign will not extend over the footpath more than three feet and the bottom of our sign will be at least eleven feet above the road level. 

Kindly let us have some blank forms for similar applications and oblige, ... 

Belge Neonlite Company to French Municipal Council [Sine Pharmacy]. Shanghai, 25 Octobre 1929. Source: SMA (FC), U38-4-1109 (0525-0527).

(Permis accordé le 14 novembre 1929).

Keywordselectric ; entertainment ; hanging ; neon ; permit ; pharmacy ; projection ;
LanguageEnglish, French
1035/1079 results        
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