H.D. Rodger (c/o Electro Advertising Corporation) to Secretary. Shanghai, December 8, 1938. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3387 (2653)
Our clients, Electro Advertising Corporation (In Formation) wish to know whether the Council will grant permission to erect signs on Shanghai Power Company poles similar to the sketch sent herewith.
As you will see from the sketch, the signs will be 3 feet long and 2 feet 3 inches wide and will be surrended by a Neon Light and will also have an electric light shining on the sign.
The sign will be approximately 14 feet from the ground. It is suggested that a small fee be charged by the Council for each sign put up, and it is is hoped that the Corporation will be able to put up 1000 signs within a year.
Our clients had not yet taken up the matter with the Shanghai Power Company as we have told our clients, that it is necessary to secure the approval of the Shanghai Municipal Council first. If the Council will permit signs, we hope to be able to show the Shanghai Power Company that they will receive very substantial income per year for the electricity used on the signs and a fee for the use of their poles.
Please let us know if the Council will permit our clients to erect these signs and under what terms and conditions.
S.M.C. Secretary to Rodger & Wiener. Shanghai, December 9, 1938. Source: SMA (SMC) U1-4-3813 (2797).
I have to akcnowledge receipt of your letter of December 8 on the subject of the erection of signs on Shanghai Power Company poles, and in reply, to inform you that the matter is receiving the Council's attention.
Commissioner of Public Works to Secretary - "Electro Advertising Corporation - Signs on Shanghai Power Co's Poles - Letter from Mr. H.D. Rodger dated 8/12/38 - Ref. M.13/2. Shanghai, December 13, 1938. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3387 (2654).
Applications to fix advertisements to poles on the Council's roads are recevied from time to time but it has been an invariable rule never to permit advertising on any of the poles on the public roads, and I do not recommend departing from it.
Commissioner of Police to Secretary - Your endorsement No. M.13/2 dated December 9, 1938 - Rodger & Wiener re use of Power Company Poles for Advertising. Shanghai, December 23, 1938. Source: SMA (SMC) U1-4-3813 (2794-2795).
I am of opinion that advertising by means of neon lighting signs on Shanghai Power Company poles should not, under any circumstances, be permitted. Neon Light signs on business premises are daily becoming more numerous and the installation of these signs is, to some extent, governed by Public Works Department permits. Observation at certain street intersections shows however that even these signs on premises are apt to confuse drivers or motor vehicles unless they are well acquainted with the position of traffic lights. In most instances, drivers get only a side view of the lights but there are intersections where a half-view cannot be avoided and this is dangerous. If signs are erected on poles and hang over the roadway or pavement, drivers will get a full view of such signs and apart from the danger involved, there will probably be complaints from drivers re-unnecessary nervous strains.
(p.2/2) I am given to understand that signs are erected in the manner under review in some cities on the North American continent. One or two have been seen in Moose Jew, Canada, but this is a city with boulevards 90 feet wide, sidewalks of a breadth of 20 feet and practically no-hand-propelled vehicles on these wide thoroughfares.
Deputy Secretary to H.D. Rodger. Shanghai, December 28, 1938. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3387 (2655).
In reply to your letter of December 8, I have to inform you that it is the Council's general policy not to permit advertisements on Shanghai Power Compny poles. In the case of the signs which your clients desire to erect there would also be a serious objection from the point of view of traffic. I have therefore to inform you that the Council is unwilling to grant your clients permission to affix signs to Power Company poles.