Shanghai Neon Light Company to Commissioner of Public Works. "Re Maintenance of Neon Light signs.". Shanghai, June 22, 1934. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3261 (0284).
We thank you for your notification of May 25th, advising us of all the necessary particulars required for maintenance of Neon Light signs, which will be complied to in every respect.
Enclosed please find a complete list of signs in various Districts of the Settlement now in operation, and to be maintained by us until we advise you to the contrary. We take this opportunity to apply for and trust you will grant, renewal of permits for them covering period from 1st July to 31st December 1934, inclusive.
BADGES. We regret that the newbadge to be worn by our workmen whilst engaged in the maintenance work of the signs is not quite ready. On completion of same on or about the 27th inst. we shall forward you one in order that it may be approved by the Police Department. Applications for the erection of new signs have in the past been accompanied by a sketch, together with particulars as required by you. We shall continue to do the same.
We beg to advise that the name of "SHANGHAI NEON LIGHT CO" under which we formerly did business will from 1st July 1934 be changed to the "STRAND NEON LIGHT CO" at the same addresse, and shall than you to note this for your guidance.
Translation No. 917 - Precis of letter to Commissioner of Public Works from Vio Neon Light Company. Shanghai, June 22, 1934. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3261 (0287).
In reply to your letter BS-127/544, we enclose herewith a sample badge which will be worn by our workmen whilst engaged on work as requested. With regard to future applications of the erection of new signs, we shall, withtout fail, comply with the conditions stipulated in your notification.
General Neon Light Company to Public Works Department. Shanghai, July 5, 1934. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3261 (0290).
[Not reproduced]
Commissioner of Public Works to Eastern Neon Light Company. "Maintenance of Neon Light Advertising Signs". Shanghai, July 6, 1934. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3261 (0292).
I shall be obliged if you will suppply me with a complete lists, by Districts, of all the Neon Light Advertising Signs for which you are responsible for maintenance from the 1st July to 31 December of the current year, so that the necessary permit may be issued.
Commissioner of Public Works to General Neon Light Company. "Maintenance of Neon Light Advertising Signs". Shanghai, July 6, 1934. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3261 (0293).
I shall be obliged if you will suppply me with a complete lists, by Districts, of all the Neon Light Advertising Signs for which you are responsible for maintenance from the 1st July to 31 December of the current year, so that the necessary permit may be issued.
Commissioner of Public Works to Vio Neon Light Company. "Maintenance of Neon Light Advertising Signs". Shanghai, July 6, 1934. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3261 (0294).
I shall be obliged if you will suppply me with a complete lists, by Districts, of all the Neon Light Advertising Signs for which you are responsible for maintenance from the 1st July to 31 December of the current year, so that the necessary permit may be issued.
Commissioner of Public Works to Modern Neon Light Company. "Maintenance of Neon Light Advertising Signs". Shanghai, July 6, 1934. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3261 (0295).
I shall be obliged if you will suppply me with a complete lists, by Districts, of all the Neon Light Advertising Signs for which you are responsible for maintenance from the 1st July to 31 December of the current year, so that the necessary permit may be issued.
Commissioner of Public Works to Modern Neon Light Company. "Maintenance of Neon Light Advertising Signs". Shanghai, July 6, 1934. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3261 (0296).
With reference to your representative's call at this office on the 7th July, I would remind you that the sample of badges to be worn by your workmen whilst engaged on maintenance work of Neon Light Signs has not yet been submitted for approval.
Commissioner of Public Works to Strand Neon Light Company. "Maintenance of Neon Light Advertising Signs". Shanghai, July 6, 1934. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3261 (0297).
I shall be obliged if you will suppply me with a complete lists, by Districts, of all the Neon Light Advertising Signs for which you are responsible for maintenance from the 1st July to 31 December of the current year, so that the necessary permit may be issued.
Commissioner of Public Works to Strand Neon Light Company. "Maintenance of Neon Light Advertising Signs". Shanghai, July 6, 1934. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3261 (0298).
I beg to refer to my letter dated the 28th May and your reply thereto dated the 22nd June. I shall be obliged if you will kindly forward to me a sample of the badges to be worn by your workmen whilst engaged on maintenance of Neon Light Signs.
Strand Neon Light Company to Commissioner of Public Works. Shanghai, July 16, 1934. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3261 (0299).
With reference to your notification dated 6th, inst. We are sending you one new badge which is to be worn by our workmen whilst engaged on the maintenance work of the Neon Light Signs, so that it may be approved by the Police Department.
Commissioner of Public Works to Commissioner of Police. Shanghai, July 30, 1934. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3261 (0301).
With reference to my letter BS-D2/388 dated 16th April 1931 regarding distinguishing badges to be worn by workmen engaged on maintenance of Neon Light Signs, I now submitted for your approval samples of these badges.
Electric Signs - Translation No. 1039 - Precis of Letter dated 6/8/34 from the King Dai Hotel No. 292 Foochow Road. Shanghai, August 6, 1934. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3261 (0301).
We have to acknowledge the receipt of your letter regarding the encroachment of the above over the Municipal road by 6 feet, thereby forming an infraction to the building rules. In reply, we beg to state that owing to the ignorance on our part of the building rules, we erected the sign as an imitation to the one erected by our neighbours. Since the structure does not conform to the regulations, it should surely be demolished, but we are emboldened to request that you will give a kindly consideration to difficulties of a business man and allow the structure to remain. We shall be only too ready to receive further instructions form you if you think that its removal is absolutely necessary.
[PWD Report] : Demolished by PWD 8/8/34]
Commissioner of Public Works to Commissioner of Police. Shanghai, August 24, 1934. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3261 (0306).
With further reference to my BS D/10/470 dated 30th July, regarding badges to be worn by workmen engaged on the maintenance of Neon Light Signs, I shall be obliged if you will inform me as to whether the sample badges meet with your approval.
Commissioner of Police to Commissioner of Public Works. Shanghai, August 25, 1934. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3261 (0307).
There are no Police objections to the sample badges, forwarded with your letter of July 30 which are to be worn by workmen on the maintenance of Neon Light Signs. The badges have been circulated to all concerned for information.
Commissioner of Public Works to Modern Neon Light Company. "Maintenance of Neon Light Advertising Signs". Shanghai, August 28, 1934. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3261 (0308).
With reference to the badges submitted by you, for use of your workmen whilst engaged on maintenance of Neon Light Signs, I beg to inform you that the same has been approved.
Commissioner of Public Works to General Neon Light Company. "Maintenance of Neon Light Advertising Signs". Shanghai, August 28, 1934. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3261 (0309).
With reference to your letter dated 5th July, I beg to inform you that the workmen's badge submitted by you has been approved.
Commissioner of Public Works to Vio Neon Light Company. "Maintenance of Neon Light Advertising Signs". Shanghai, August 28, 1934. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3261 (0310).
With reference to your letter dated 22nd June I beg to inform you that the workmen's badge submitted by you has been approved.
Commissioner of Public Works to Eastern Neon Light Company. "Maintenance of Neon Light Advertising Signs". Shanghai, August 28, 1934. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3261 (0311).
With reference to your letter dated 1st June I beg to inform you that the workmen's badge submitted by you has been approved.
Commissioner of Public Works to Strand Neon Light Company. "Maintenance of Neon Light Advertising Signs". Shanghai, August 28, 1934. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3261 (0312).
With reference to your letter dated 16th July, I beg to inform you that the workmen's badge submitted by you has been approved.