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NameIlluminated Sky Sign - Bubbling Well (Horse Bazaar premise) - British American Tobacco Company. 1912-1914.
TitleBritish-American Tobacco Company: Illuminated Sky Sign, Horse Bazaar, Bubbling Well Road
AuthorAndersen, Meyer & Co; British-American Tobacco; Vulcan Ironworks Company; Electrical Department; Public Works Department
CollectionShanghai Municipal Archives
Sub collectionShanghai Municipal Council
Reference NumberSMA (SMC), U1-14-3170 (0617-0623)
Repository typeArchive

Electrical Engineer to Engineer & Surveyor. Shanghai, April 19, 1914 (or 1912?). SMA (SMC), U1-14-3170 (0617).

The B.A.T Company have obtained permission from the Shanghai Horse Bazaar to erect their sign over an alleyway at the side of their buildings. The sign will be of a very large size and the B.A.T. Company have obtained tenders and drains for the erection of a supporting steelwork for this.
The wind area will be approximately 600 sq. feet at an average height of 75 feet above the ground, and it is proposed to take the stresses at the ground level by massive concrete blocks.

Full drawings of the arrangement to be made by the Vulcan Ironworks Company are to be sent you and I shall be obliged if you will let me know if you have any objections to the methods of supports, etc. that are suggested as we are particularly anxious that this sign, which is the first of its kind in Shanghai, should be an entire success.  

Engineer & Surveyor to Secretary. Shanghai, June 10, 1914. SMA (SMC), U1-14-3170 (0618).

I have received an application from the British American Tobacco Company Limited for permission to erect an advertising standard 100 feet high on the premises of the Shanghai Horse Bazaar. The application is an exceptional one, and I know of no precedent. I beg to recommend however that it be granted subject to approval of details of foundations. 

Extract from Committee Minutes (?) Shanghai, June 17, 1914. SMA (SMC), U1-14-3170 (0619). 

The Engineer submits an application by the British American Tobacco Company for a permit to erect an illuminated advertisement 100 feet in height on the premises of the Shanghai Horse Bazaar. The erection in question may be limited to 80 feet under the term of the Building Rules, but as the members are averse to an advertisement of this kind, in a neighborhood such as this, in the vicinity of the Public Recreation Ground, it is directed that an enquiry be addressed to the Legal Adviser as to whether it is open to the Council to refuse issue of the permit.  

Engineer & Surveyor to Andersen, Meyer & Company. Shanghai, July 3, 1914. SMA (SMC), U1-14-3170 (0620).

With reference to your application of the 2nd instant, for a permit to increase the height of the British-American Tobacco's Company sky sign, Bubbling Well Road, by 22 feet. I beg to inform you that I am unable to issue the permit applied for as I am of the opinion that it is unadvisable from a constructionable point of view to make any alteration or addition to the sky sign as now existing.   

Hans E. Lieb to Public Works Department. Shanghai, July 7, 1914. SMA (SMC), U1-14-3170 (0621). 

Herewith I beg to hand you a blue print of the advertising tower of the British American Tobacco Company which is intended to be raised on frontised 20 feet higher fixing some Chinese characters on it. The heightening of the tower will require the enlargment of the foundations which you will find on the plan marked in red line. 

Kindly let me know at your earliest convenience if this meets with your approval and oblige. 
Engineer & Surveyor to Secretary. "ADVERTISING HOARDING NEAR HORSE BAZAAR - Letter from Mr. Hans E. Lieb dated 7/7/14." Shanghai, July 10, 1914. SMA (SMC), U1-14-3170 (0622). 

This structure is at present 100 feet in height. It was designed and the foundations constructed for this height only. To add another 20 feet to it would necessitate recalculation of the stresses in all parts of the structure. The only particulars of any proposed alterations which are supplied are the enlargement of the foundations which I have not gone fully into as I am of opinion that any increase in height is undesirable and only recommend that the architect be written to this effect.
Should however the Council approve the principle of the increase in height, the applicant should be asked to submit full details of all calculations and a diagram showing the wind pressure.  

Secretary to Hans E. Lieb to Public Works Department. Shanghai, July 17, 1914. SMA (SMC), U1-14-3170 (0623).

In reply to your letter of July 7, containing a proposal for raising the height of the Advertising Tower of the British-American Tobacco Company in the Bubbling Well Road, from 100 to 120 feet, I am directed to state that the Council is not willing to sanction this additional height. In these circumstances consideration of your plan and of the strenghtening devices by the Municipal Engineer will not be necessary. 


See also: Electric & Gas Signs & Lamps. British-American Tobacco Company. Pirate Sign. Horse Bazaar - Bubbling Well Road  1921.  Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3262 (0520-0529)

Keywordselectric ; metal ; roof ; safety ; tobacco ; sky-sign ; light ;
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