1079 documents
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NameMilitary uses of American automobiles
TitleAutomotive Equipment
AuthorSmith, A. Viola, Trade Commissioner, Shanghai
CollectionNARA, General records of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce (RG151)
Sub collectionAutomobiles, China, 1932-1934
Reference NumberFile Class 531, Box 2388
Repository typeArchive

Letter from A. Viola, Smith, Trade Commissioner, Shanghai, to A.W. Childs, Chief, Automotive Division, BFDC, Washington, D.C., regarding the uses of American automobiles by the Japanese and Chinese armies, dated March 29, 1932. Provide detailed information and figures regarding the types of vehicles and accessories used by each army in China (including British and French Defence Forces, U.S. Marine Corps and Army 31st Inf., Italian Naval Forces and Japanese Defence Forces). 


File Class 531, Box 2388, 1932-1934, p.4-7

Keywordsautomobile ; military ; use ; war
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