1079 documents
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NamePossible losses for American airplane and automobile manufacturers in the Yunnanfu market
AuthorChilds, A.W., Chief, Automotive Division
CollectionNARA, General records of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce (RG151)
Sub collectionAutomobiles, China, 1932-1934
Reference NumberFile Class 531, Box 2388
Repository typeArchive

Letter from A.W. Childs, Chief, Automotive Division, to the National Automobile Chamber of Commerce Vice President, dated December 29, 1932, investigating the possible losses for American airplane and automobile manufacturers on the local market in the consular district of Yunnanfu, China, because of the efforts of the French and British manufacturers. 


File Class 531, Box 2388, 1932-1934, p.15, 17

Keywordsautomobile ; competition ; Yunnan ; market ; chamber of commerce ; organization ;
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