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NameShanghai International Exhibition and Fair
TitleInternational Exhibition and Fair, Shanghai
AuthorArnold, Julean, Commercial Attache, Shanghai
CollectionNARA, General records of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce (RG151)
Sub collectionInstitutions and Associations, Expositions & Conventions, Fairs, China (Chile - Frankfurt)
Reference NumberFile Class 722.1, Box 2894
Repository typeArchive

Correspondence related to the International Exhibition and Fair - said to be Industrial, Commercial and Educational, that took place in Shanghai, 356 Bubbling Well, in March 1936. The exhibition was sponsored by prominent Chinese businessman and politicians (P.W. Kuo, Director of the Bureau of Foreign Tradem Ministry of Industry, K.P Chen, President of the Chinese Bankers' Association; Tu Yueh Sen, Chairman of the Shanghai Civic Association; Ling Kang Hou, Chairman of the National Associated Chambers of Commerce of China, Yue Teo Ting, Chairman of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce). The letter from the Exhibition Committee explicited the principles underlying the systen of display - by commodities (textile, engineering, electrical, native products, public utilities, domestic sections), contrary to the initial idea to arrange exhibits in "National Sections". Provides detailed information concerning the side of kiosks/pavilions and the costs for their renting. Given the Chinese favorable disposition toward the idea of fairs, Arnold considered that many of the firms based in Shanghai will exhibit at this exhibition. 


File Class 722.1, Fairs, China (Chile - Frankfurt), Box 2894, p.15-20


Keywordsinstitution ; exposition ; exhibition ; fair ; Shanghai ; international ; display ; commodity ; nationality ; elite ;
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