1079 documents
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NameProposed Exposition for Children in Nanjing
TitleExposition of materials for the instruction and amusement of children, Nanking, April 1936
AuthorHarriet, W. Sweet, Chief, Conference and Expositions Section; Burke, Thomas, Chief, Specialties-Motion Picture Division;
CollectionNARA, General records of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce (RG151)
Sub collectionInstitutions and Associations, Expositions & Conventions, Expositions, China (Brazil - Colorado Exposition)
Reference NumberFile Class 722, Box 2877
Repository typeArchive

Correspondence related to the "Exposition of materials for the instruction and amusement of children," to be held in Nanjing in April 1936. 


File Class 722, Expositions, China (Brazil - Colorado Exposition), Box 2877, p.13-19


Keywordsinstitution ; exposition ; child ; Nanjing ; motion picture ; education ;
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