1079 documents
264/1079 results        
NameCommercial significance of colors in China
AuthorGuaranty Trust Company; Sanger, J.W. Trade Commissioner;
CollectionNARA, General records of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce (RG151)
Sub collectionTrade Promotion, Advertising (Belgium - Ecuador), China (1919-1933)
Reference NumberFile Class 470, Box 2249
Repository typeArchive

Correspondence dated June 1920 related to the Guaranty Trust Company's inquiry regarding the commercial significance of colors in China, mentioned in an article entitled "Advertising in China" appearing in Commerce Reports of May 11, 1916. 


File Class 470, Trade Promotion,  Advertising (Belgium - Ecuador), Box 2249, China (1919-1933), p.26-28


Keywordsadvertising ; color ; taste ; bank ; inquiry ; report ;
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