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NameCooperation with the American Association of Advertising Agencies
AuthorMorse, Henry H., Chief, Specialties Division; O'Shaughnessy, James, American Association of Advertising Agencies, New York
CollectionNARA, General records of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce (RG151)
Sub collectionTrade Promotion, Advertising (Belgium - Ecuador), China (1919-1933)
Reference NumberFile Class 470, Box 2249
Repository typeArchive

Letter dated October 26, 1923, from Morse to O'Shaughnessy regarding the valuable service that the American Association of Advertising Agencies has one to the Bureau and the advertising world by tabulating information on foreign advertising media, published as a synopsis in Printers' Ink, on October 18, 1923. 


File Class 470, Trade Promotion,  Advertising (Belgium - Ecuador), Box 2249, China (1919-1933), p.44


Keywordsadvertising ; medium ; journal ; association ; cooperation ; report
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