1079 documents
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NameProposed American Business Men's Club
TitleAmerican Business Men's Club
AuthorArnold, Julean H., American Commercial Attache, Peking
CollectionNARA, General records of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce (RG151)
Sub collectionRecords Relating to Commercial Attaches' Reports, China (Peiping, Mukden, Shanghai), 1915-1921, Box 107
Reference NumberEntry 14, Box 107
Repository typeArchive

Letter dated May 28, 1915, from Commercial Attache Arnold, Peking, to the Bureau, Washington D.C., related to the formation of an American Business Men's Club, including the renting of rooms, a paid secretary, an American commercial library of trade literature. The organization should meet each week at a noon luncheon. 


Records Relating to Commercial Attaches' Reports, China (Peiping, Mukden, Shanghai), 1915-1921, Box 107, folder China - Reports - 1915, IMG_0059-61


Keywordsreport ; commercial attache ; organization ; club ; library ;
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