Semi-monthly Trade and Economic Report for China - 15 February, 1922 ( By Commercial Attache Julean Arnold) - 19p
NOTE: These reports are compiled for the benefit of American trade with China. Those familiar with conditions in China realiwe the difficulties experienced in efforts to secure reasonably accurate and timly statistcal and other data relative to China trade conditions and developments. Criticisms corrections, suggestionsm and aditional information will be gratefully received by the office of the Commercial Attache. The term "yuan" used throughout these reports is the Silver Yuan or Chinese Silver Dollar, the national currency, and for all practical statistical purposes equivqlent in value to the Mexican Dollar which it is gradually replacing.
- General Business Conditions
- Exchange, Credits & Banking
- Finance and Investments
- Agriculture and Crops
- Exports
- Imports
- Shipping and Freights
- Transportation and Communications
- Mines and Minerals
- Industries
- Miscellaneous trade notes
- Unclassified