Table of Contents (45p)
(1) Trade opportunities......3-8
(2) Reports upon market for American Goods........8-9
(3) Reports upon openings for investments and for the establishment of American banking institution.....9-11
(4) Extentions of transportation facilities, reconstruction and development enterprises...............11-12
(5) Reports upon available sources of supply of raw materials required in the United States........13
(6) Trade disputes...............13
(7) Trade protection............13
- The position of the Senior Consul in relation to the protection of trade interests....13-20
- The Shanghai Consulate General a a diplomatic mission....20-21
- General protection work.....21-26
- Land registration.....26
- Provisional court case.....27
(8) Visits of American business men.........28
(9) Trade letters.............28-30
(10) Invitations for alien business men proceeding to the United States...30s
(11) Reports on Trade and World Trade Directory......30
(12) Number of new and revised trade lists prepared for the department of Commerce.....31
Future program of the Commercial office of the Shanghai Consulate General.....31-35
Recapitulation of Services performed........35-37