1079 documents
457/1079 results        
NameMotocycles resale between Shanghai and Paris
AuthorRobison, H.D., Trade Commissioner, Shanghai; Allport, Fayette W., Assistant Commercial Attache, Paris, France
CollectionNARA, General records of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce (RG151)
Sub collectionRecords Relating to Commercial Attaches' Reports, China (Shanghai), 1932, Box 114
Reference NumberEntry 14, Box 114
Repository typeArchive

Letter dated January 26, 1932 from Trade Commisioner Robison, Shanghai, to Assistant Commercial Attache Allport in Paris, France, asking for assistance to secure an agent in Paris able to sell French motorcycles reshipped from Shanghai, on behalf of a local American distributor located on Nanking Road. 


Records Relating to Commercial Attaches' Reports, China (Shanghai), 1932, Box 114, folder "Shanghai - Letters to Government Agencies", p.26


Keywordsreport ; commercial attache ; special ; Shanghai ; letter ; agency ; Paris ; motorcycle ; bankrupt ; distributor ;
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