China Monthly Trade Report. Compiled in China by the Foreign Commerce Service of the U.S. DEpartment of Commerce, in cooperation with the Foreign Service of the Department of Sate. Issue of Jan 1, 1933 - 68p
Includes an Organization chart of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, a list of offices in the Far East with the names of their respective Commercial Attache.
Note. The January Monthly Report is in reality a resume covering the year 1932. Owing to the fact that it was necessary to consumer more time in the compiling of this report, it was completed a fortnight later than usual. On this account there will be no report for the month of February, and the next compilation will appear under date of March 1, 1933.
- General Resume
- Review of General Conditions
- Outlook for 1933
- General
- Finances
- Joint Reserve Board
- Constructive China
- Aviation
- Railways
- Industries of China
- Agricultural conditions during 1932
- China Trade Act
- Commercial Laws
- National Lottery
- Trade Conditions
- American Trade
- Statistics - Foreign Trade of China
- Statistics - America's Trade with CHina
- Chart A - Chinese Government Internal Bond
- Chart B - Value of Building Construction in Shanghai 1925-1932
- Regional Trade Conditions
- Trade Conditions in Manchuria during 1932
- Trade Conditions in Tientsin during 1932
- Trade Conditions in Tsingtao during 1932
- Trade Conditions in Hankow during 1932
- Trade Conditions in Shanghai during 1932
- Trade Conditions in Hong Kong & South China during 1932
- American Consular Districts in China
- Labels for goods imported into China
- Exchange rates