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NameMotion pictures in China (1931)
TitleMotion pictures in China (Compiled from data submitted by the various consular officers stationed throughout China and collected by the Shanghai Consulate General)
AuthorHuston, J.C., American Consul, Shanghai
CollectionNARA, General records of the Department of State (RG59)
Sub collectionConsular Trade Reports
Reference NumberBox 762
Repository typeArchive

Table of Contents

Theater industry of china jeopardized

  • Objections to new censorship
  • Censorship facilities at Nanking 
  • The National Censorship

Past film censorship in China

Theater and film exhibition - Sound picture exhibition

Market for sound projection equipment in China

  • Competitive aspects of the Market
  • Possible competition from Chinese sound projectors

Early Chinese moving picture production

Present Chinese silent picture production - Chinese producing companies

Chinese sound pictures 

  • China's first sound picture
  • Americans to produce Chinese talkies 
  • Current sound film production

Market for American sound recording equipment

Chinese tastes in film 

American films popular with the Chinese

American films in competition with Chinese films - Competition from Chinese sound films

Film distributors 

  • Film distribution centers
  • Film distributors and agencies 
  • Prices for films
  • Distribution practices 

Imports of motion picture films and apparatus 

Import duty on films 

Consumption of unexposed films

Motion pictures in the Shanghai consular district.....................................41

Amoy consular district

Canton consular district including Portuguese colony of Macao

Chefoo consular district 

Foochow consular district 

Hankow consular district 

Hongkong consular district 

Kwantung leased territory

Nanking consular district 

North Manchuria - Harbin consular district 

Swatow consular district 

South Manchuria - Mukden consular district 

Tientsin consular district 

Tsinan consular district 

Tsingtao consular district 

Yunnanfu consular district 

Confidential section

Sources of information.......................................................................87


  • No.1: Laws and Regulations on Chinese National Censorship 
  • No.2: List of theaters in China
  • No.3: Dealers in sound and silent projection and theater equipment in Shanghai
  • No.4: Chinese Motion Picture production companies in Shanghai 
  • No.5: Film distributors, exchanges and agents in Shanghai, Hong Kong and Tientsin

Voluntary report - 133p

Date of completion: July 10, 1931

Date of mailing: July 14, 1931


Keywordsmotion picture ; film ; import ; use ; taste ; distribution ; censorship ; regulation ;
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