1079 documents
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NameAmerican trademarks for China
TitleAmerican trade marks for China
AuthorArnold, Julean, Commercial Attache, Shanghai
CollectionNARA, General records of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce (RG151)
Sub collectionRecords Relating to Commercial Attaches' Reports, China (Shanghai, Mukden), 1933, Box 117
Reference NumberEntry 14, Box 117
Repository typeArchive

Special Report. Shanghai, China, August 8, 1933 - 3p

Provides American manufacturers who contemplate trading with China with a list of suggested essentials regarding the selection and protection of their trademarks in China. 


Records Relating to Commercial Attaches' Reports, China (Shanghai, Mukden), 1933, Box 117, folder "Shanghai - Special Reports, Aug 1933", p.239-241


Keywordsreport ; commercial attache ; special ; Shanghai ; trademark ; guideline ;
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